Evidence type: Evaluation i
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
[This is an extract from the Executive Summary of the evaluation report. Further amendments may be made to this Summary, pending review by the Evidence Hub partner]
The Community Links (CL) ‘What Works’ project was a pilot project to evaluate the effectiveness of embedding the delivery of financial capability (FinCap) into existing services. What Works was set up to test the hypothesis that financial capability training is more effective if it is underpinned by an on-going relationship, if there is an element of co-production and if delivered as part of a holistic approach. This simultaneously supports a wider goal at CL to build ‘deep value’ relationships. CL services targeted a variety of groups with different demographics, with the aim of revealing useful additional and attitudinal information. CL delivered training to ten frontline staff and external delivery partners who in turn delivered 12 FinCap training sessions to 87 participants spread across five existing internal programmes and four external programmes in Newham and surrounding London boroughs.
The target groups for CL services include east and north London residents, particularly in Newham, who are not in employment, education or training (NEET); 16 to 24 year olds and working age adults who are unemployed and/or on low incomes, on or about to go on Universal Credit, renting in the private or social sector and/or Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME).
The core research questions CL sought to answer within this project are:
CL measured the following client outcomes for all participants for pre-intervention and post-intervention, and also for 30% of the participants after a three-month period (in this report, this will be referred to as “medium term”):
These outcomes were measured through surveys and focus groups that were done either immediately following the training or one week later. CL also monitored the training and activity to embed the FinCap training within the existing services. The final evaluation was completed over January to April 2018, following the end of the programme.
Embedding FinCap into existing, successful services produced positive FinCap outcomes immediately following the training and in the medium term.
CL was unable to run comparison groups due to a period of organisational redevelopment during this project (see Section 2 for further details). CL is therefore unable to definitively identify the best model for integrating FinCap, but the process evaluation generated some helpful insights.
Independent evaluation of the Community Links’ What Works project - full report
Independent evaluation of the Community Links’ What Works project - full report
MyCake Ltd:Mark Eliot & Sarah Thelwallsarah@sarahthelwall.co.ukCommunity Links:http://www.community-links.org/