Evaluation Scotland Wales
The UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing is taking forward the work of the Financial Capability Strategy Opens in a new window


December Update - Strategy Steering Groups

Monday 21 December 2015

We are now full steam ahead on driving implementation of the strategy, which will be governed and steered by the Financial Capability Board, a group of cross-sector senior and influential individuals. We have also established six new Steering Groups to provide operational expertise and leadership on implementing the key themes of the strategy:

  • Children & Young People
  • Young Adults
  • Working Age
  • Savings
  • Retirement Planning
  • Older People in Retirement.

Work on the theme of financial difficulties will be led by the existing Debt Advice Steering Group and Operational Group. The existing Research & Evaluation Group will provide expert guidance to the Strategy and existing forums in each of the Devolved Nations will provide expertise and leadership on implementation of the strategy in their nation.

Each of these Steering Groups met for the first time in December to review the initial action plan for their theme, as published in the Strategy, and agree the priorities for action in year 1.

We will publish these priorities in the New Year on the FinCap website. The aim of the Strategy is to build a strong evidence base on what really works in driving up financial capability – and what does not. As this evidence develops, organisations putting resources into financial capability activities will be able make decisions about where to prioritise those resources based on evidence of what works.

This evidence will also be used to inform what actions should be scaled up to benefit people & improve financial capability across the UK. To achieve much greater collective impact on financial capability, the Strategy promotes a coordinated and collaborative approach across sectors to:

  • Pilot actions with potential to improve financial capability
  • Undertake robust evaluation of their impact on financial capability
  • Share the results of these pilot evaluations and feed them into a public evidence base, in the form of the Evidence Hub, created and curated by the Money Advice Service.

To support organisations in contributing to driving up financial capability the Money Advice Service is developing and piloting a number of tools to help organisations build robust impact evaluation into their relevant activities:

  • Outcomes Frameworks
  • A Common Evaluation Toolkit
  • An enhanced Evidence Hub. We are asking organisations to commit to using robust impact evaluation and sharing the results to feed into building the evidence base, by signing up to a set of IMPACT Principles (more details on the Fincap website).

As well as the above, and providing secretariat support to the Financial Capability Board and Steering Groups, the Money Advice Service will:

  • lead cross-sector coordination of strategy implementation
  • contribute expertise on financial capability, the evolving landscape, and each of the key themes in the strategy
  • monitor and measure progress through regular financial capability surveys, and undertake research to fill gaps (e.g. research is currently underway to assess the economic impact of incremental improvements in financial capability, using the Financial Capability Survey 2015) • communicate regularly with the stakeholder community about progress, opportunities to get involved, and the evolving evidence
  • work with the Financial Capability Board and Steering Groups to publish five and ten year progress reports
  • subject to the final version of MAS’s business plan for 2016/17, which will shortly be published for consultation
  • fund (or co-fund in partnership with others) some piloting and impact evaluation to fill gaps not being filled by others.

If your organisation is not already talking to us about what you can do to contribute to driving up financial capability, please get in touch (Enquiries@fincap.org.uk).


Top-line consumer research findings:

  • 36% of the UK population cannot calculate the impact of a 2% interest rate on £100 in savings
  • 22% cannot read a bank statement
  • 14% of people don’t agree that it’s important to track income and expenditure
  • 20% often buy on impulse
  • 28% prefer not to discuss money openly with anyone

People who talk to their partner are most financially astute:

  • 53% keep up with bills without difficulties, compared with 48% of all UK adults

18 – 24 year olds are lacking financial skills across the board:

  • 24% do not keep track of their income and expenditure, compared with 19% of all UK adults
  • 29% buy on impulse, compared with 20% of all UK adults
  • 59% cannot calculate basic interest compared with 40% of all UK adults
  • Only 45% are confident managing money, compared with 57% of all UK adults

Why is the strategy needed?

  • The UK’s financial skills remain low – 22% of the population cannot read a bank statement
  • Poor results among 18-24 year olds highlight the importance of financial education in schools
  • Skills and knowledge, and ease and accessibility of financial products and services, are less of a barrier to financial capability than motivation/attitudes
  • Managing money day to day is an important pre-requisite for budgeting and saving
  • Focus on positive goals rather than dangers to encourage positive savings habits

What is the strategy about?

  • Improving people’s ability to manage money well, both day to day and through significant life events, and to handle periods of financial difficulty
  • The strategy is built around the concept of cross-sector co-ordination to achieve collective impact
  • The focus of the strategy will be to test and learn to determine what works and to deliver evidence based interventions

How will the strategy be taken forward?

  • Steering groups of experts from across the relevant sectors will guide and support delivery of the Strategy in key areas of focus – children and young people, young adults, working age people, savings, retirement planning, older people, and people in financial difficulties
  • Specific actions for the devolved nations will be delivered in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • Progress monitored by the Financial Capability Survey
  • Testing and learning to determine what works is key. One example of this approach is Money Advice Service’s partnership with the Education Endowment Foundation to fund and evaluate the effectiveness of school-based financial education programmes.

Financial Capability Board The Financial Capability Board’s membership includes senior and influential representatives from government, regulators, the financial sector and key charities from across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, who together can deliver maximum impact. The Financial Capability Board is chaired by Andy Briscoe and the Money Advice Service acts as the Board’s secretariat.

Membership: 1. Andy Briscoe, Chair, the Money Advice Service (Chair of the Board) 2. Jasper Berens, Head of UK Funds, JP Morgan 3. Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, Senior Advisor, HSBC and Chair of the Financial Inclusion Commission 4. Benny Higgins, Chief Executive Officer, Tesco Bank 5. Professor Elaine Kempson, Emeritus Professor, University of Bristol 6. Lily Lapenna, Founder & Co-Chief Executive Officer, MyBnk 7. Phil Loney, Group Chief Executive Officer, Royal London 8. Eleanor Marks, Deputy Director Communities Division, Welsh Government 9. Louise Macdonald, OBE, Chief Executive Officer, Young Scot 10. Gwyneth Nurse, Director of Financial Services, HM Treasury 11. Steve Pateman, Executive Director, Head of UK Banking, Santander 12. Caroline Rookes CBE, Chief Executive Officer, the Money Advice Service 13. Roger Sanders OBE, Managing Director, Lighthouse Group 14. Sir Hector Sants, Chair, Archbishop of Canterbury’s Task Group and StepChange Debt Charity 15. Otto Thoresen, Chair, National Employment Savings Trust 16. Sian Williams, Head of National Services, Toynbee Hall 17. Chris Woolard, Director of Strategy and Competition, Financial Conduct Authority 18. Tom Wright CBE, Group Chief Executive Officer, Age UK

About the Survey

The Financial Capability Survey is a key component of the evidence base underpinning the development of the strategies for both the UK as a whole and the devolved nations. Much work has gone into the 2015 survey, building on previous research both here and in other countries, to ensure that the questions elicit as accurate and meaningful responses as possible. The questionnaire was developed via an extensive programme of in-depth qualitative work, cognitive testing and piloting of specific questions. More than 5,000 people in the UK took part in the research using a combination of online and face-to-face interviewing in both English and Welsh to ensure maximum inclusiveness. The resulting data has been weighted by experts at the Money Advice Service and its research partner GfK to ensure it represents the adult population of the UK. The research has been designed to provide an overview of adult financial behaviour and the facility to analyse the extent to which consumer skills, knowledge or mindset (attitudes and motivations), or the ease and accessibility of the financial services system, act as barriers or enablers to more capable behaviour.

For more information please contact:

Money Advice Service Press Office 020 7943 0068 / pressoffice@moneyadviceservice.org.uk