Evidence type: Insight i
Qualitative research is more exploratory, and uses a range of methods like interviews, focus groups and observation to gain a deeper understanding about specific issues - such as people’s experiences, behaviours and attitudes.
Quantitative research uses statistical or numerical analysis of survey data to answer questions about how much, how many, how often or to what extent particular characteristics are seen in a population. It is often used to look at changes over time and can identify relationships between characteristics like people’s attitudes and behaviours.
Financial education is becoming increasingly recognised by the international policy agenda. The establishment of tree sets of high-level principles relating to financial education, endorsed by the G20 leaders over the past few years reflect this. Additionally, in 2016 a new set of digital financial inclusion principles were formally adopted. One of the principles recognises the importance of financial literacy competencies to allow consumers to take advantage of increasingly digitalised financial advice and products.
This report responds to a call from G20 leaders in 2016 to coordinate data collection on levels of financial literacy across the G20 countries. With the G20 recognising financial literacy as an ‘essential life skill’, this report seeks to explore and explain the extent of financial literacy throughout the G20 countries.
The OECD asked all G20 countries (plus the Netherlands and Norway) to use their toolkit to collect data and submit data analysis on levels of financial literacy. In total 16 G20 countries and the two guest countries collected data on all or most of the core questions in the OECD/INFE (International Gateway for Financial Literacy) toolkit. These countries were:
In addition, other countries collected data using other instruments or using a hybrid of the toolkit combined with their own questions. These were:
The combined national survey data is used to compare the financial knowledge and attitudes of 101,596 adults aged 18 to 79 across the 21 countries.
G20/OECD INFE report on adult financial literacy in the G20 - full report
G20/OECD INFE report on adult financial literacy in the G20 - full report