Changing behaviour around online transactions
An RCT testing the efficacy of live assisted digital transactions. Developed by Good Things Foundation and Toynbee Hall and delivered by 18 community organisations to struggling working-age people.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Financial Capability
Year of publication: 2018
A youth designed toolkit delivered and evaluated to compare the effectiveness of peer to peer delivery to tutor to young adult delivery in a vocational training context.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Financial Capability
Country/Countries: Wales
Year of publication: 2018
Evaluation of a project delivered by the National Youth Agency to 500 16-21 year olds, to improve their financial knowledge and to help them make good decisions about finances in the future.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Saving, Pensions and Retirement Planning, Credit Use and Debt, Budgeting and keeping track, Financial Education, Financial Capability
Country/Countries: England
Year of publication: 2018
Evaluation of MAS Budget Planner online tool
An evaluation to understand how and why financial capability outcomes are improved through use of the MAS Budget Planner, and how outcomes for users of this tool could be further improved.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Budgeting and keeping track, Saving, Financial Capability
Country/Countries: United Kingdom
Year of publication: 2018
Delivering community financial advice workshops in Leicester - What Works Fund
Financial capability workshops delivered in the community to older people in Leicester by Vista, CALS and WEA.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Saving, Pensions and Retirement Planning, Budgeting and keeping track, Financial Capability
Country/Countries: England
Year of publication: 2018
Evaluation of the 'Supported Rent Flexibility' pilot
A mixed method evaluation of the Supported Rent Flexibility Pilot run by Optivo Housing Association.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Saving, Credit Use and Debt, Budgeting and keeping track, Financial Capability
Country/Countries: England
Year of publication: 2018
Face-to-face advice delivered in healthcare settings to patients with renal failure and inherited metabolic disorders
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Saving, Budgeting and keeping track, Credit Use and Debt
Country/Countries: England
Year of publication: 2018
Evaluating experiential financial capability education: a field study of My Classroom Economy
This study looks at financial education of upper elementary age children. It assesses the impact of participation in a simulated classroom economy on several hypothesized antecedents of financial wellbeing.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Financial Education
Year of publication: 2017
Financial conversation led by a microfinance worker or volunteer with a loan applicant. (A core aspect of the microfinance programmes offered by Good Shepherd Microfinance).
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Credit Use and Debt, Financial Capability
Country/Countries: Australia
Year of publication: 2016
Saver Plus: a decade of impact
Evaluation of a long-established targeted matched savings programme in Australia, assessing performance on a range of individual and macro-economic measures.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Saving
Country/Countries: Australia
Year of publication: 2015
Toynbee Hall's Money Mentors programme
An evaluation of Toynbee Hall's Money Mentors programme which aimed to build financial resilience and inclusion for residents of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Financial Education, Financial Capability
Country/Countries: England
Year of publication: 2015
Evaluation of the New Zealand Sorted workplace pilot
A mixed methods evaluation of a New Zealand Sorted Workplace pilot.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Saving, Pensions and Retirement Planning, Budgeting and keeping track, Insurance and protection
Country/Countries: New Zealand
Year of publication: 2015
Ulster Bank's 'Money Advice Support Programme'
Face-to-face group financial capability sessions in the community aiming to help improve people's money management and reduce the likelihood or severity of debt problems.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Budgeting and keeping track, Credit Use and Debt
Country/Countries: Northern Ireland
Year of publication: 2014
The Council for Financial Security's 'Assessing Financial Capability Outcomes Framework' youth pilot
Pilot programme in US primary schools to evaluate whether combining financial education with experiential learning through in-school banks improved financial knowledge & behaviour.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Financial Education
Country/Countries: USA
Year of publication: 2014
Managing money better project evaluation
Programme providing money advice to vulnerable older people as a key element of housing and care options advice and support.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Financial Capability
Country/Countries: England, United Kingdom
Year of publication: 2014
Debt on Teesside: Pathways to financial inclusion
Mentoring scheme for highly indebted low income households in Teeside delivered by Durham University’s Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, CAP and Thrive.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Financial Capability, Credit Use and Debt
Country/Countries: England
Year of publication: 2013
My Finance Coach's financial education programme
Face-to-face financial education provided to students in lower stream high schools in Germany, delivered by volunteer 'finance coaches'.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Financial Education, Saving, Budgeting and keeping track
Country/Countries: Germany
Year of publication: 2013
Barclays 'Money Skills' for disadvantaged young people: impact evaluation
An evaluation by the University of Bristol assessing the impact of Barclay’s Money Skills programme targeted at young adults from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Saving, Budgeting and keeping track
Country/Countries: England & Wales
Year of publication: 2013
Youth financial education programme in Brazil
Financial education programme delivered in schools in Brazil, with an evaluation spanning 18 months and 20,000 pupils
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Financial Education
Country/Countries: Brazil
Year of publication: 2012
Face-to-face financial education programme for young adults moving into independent living to help them confront their money worries.
Information about the programme design and rationale
Evidence about Financial Capability outcomes for programme participants
Evidence that the Financial Capability outcomes were caused by the programme
Evidence about programme implementation, feasibility, and piloting
Evidence about relative costs and benefits of the programme
Topics: Financial Education, Budgeting and keeping track
Country/Countries: England
Year of publication: 2011